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Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's time to PARTY!!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2009

This is the first year that I am participating in the 5 Minutes for Mom's Ultimate Blog Party. I am super excited to be a part of this. I look forward to finding some great blogs and to making some new bloggy friends.

A little bit about me...I am a mom to two girls - Riley and Taylor. Riley will be four next week and Taylor is two-and-a-half. They are seventeen months apart and keep us very busy. I am married to Brian and we will be celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary this June. We also have a Siberian Husky named Sierra and two cats - Sneakers and Kitty.

We live in Northeast WI. Brian and I were both born and raised here. We love this area and think that it's great for raising kids.

I work full time outside the home as a buyer at a local contract manufacturer. I have been there 8.5 years. Brian works as a mechanic. We are blessed in that the girls are watched by our parents while we are at work.

Some things I love are reading, networking online, blogging, knitting, and yoga. Brian and I are huge Seinfeld fans. We spend a lot of our free time as a family camping and biking.

I have a passion for meal planning. I think I am okay at it. I like to plan meals that are good but easy and don't require you to spend all night in the kitchen.

You can learn more about my family at my "main blog". I post there about our crazy busy life and it's pretty light-hearted. I also have a great site full of reviews and giveaways.

That's about it about me. If there's anything more you want to know, just ask; otherwise, stick around for awhile and check out the fun.

Some prizes I would like to win are:

  • The $50 gift certificate to Target Stores provided by Shoot-Me-Now (prize #19)
  • The $50 gift certificate to Target Stores provided by Agoosa (prize #21)
  • The $50 gift certificate to Target Stores provided by Beginner Baby Blog (price #22)
Some other prizes I wouldn't mind winning in no particular order are: #8, #9, #15, #26, #28, #50, #56, #91, #96, #101, #118.


Michelle (hometc) said...

Hi Laura,
Welcome to the party, hope you're having fun! Your daughters are beautifful. I have a 10 year old daughter who's trying to act 14, she's a very dramatic tween! Feel free to visit me at Home Decorating News Good luck winning a prize :)

Your Best Friend said...

Thanks for visitin my blog. I'm planning to come back. I can always use more recipes.

Shawna said...

As a rather hopeless cook, I'm looking forward to following your blog! I'm so glad I found you over at the UBP!

Cupcake Dessert said...

i love to cook and i have been lurking on your blog for a while and i love your recipes!! that blog party is outta control lol

Unknown said...

Just stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party! What a great blog you have. It was nice to meet you and I will come back and visit again soon.